How To Shoot Daytime Exteriors and in Harsh Sunlight – Daron Keet Part 3 of 3

I can’t put a price tag on today’s interview.

To be able to have a cinematographer of Daron’s caliber bring to us such top knowledge and understanding on shooting outdoors is priceless. This is one you will need to revisit often in your filming career. Using natural light is probably one of the first natural steps in filming and is, obviously, the most accessible. It’s probably the best way to hone your skills because it’s readily and cheaply available!

The beauty of shooting outdoors is that you have access to the same light as the greatest cinematographers with the biggest budget. The Sun! Or as Bruce Logan called it in one of our interviews “the great equalizer.” I loved that term for it, because there is so much instinct and experience with light (and molding it) which is needed to adequately get the best out of any moment outdoors when using mainly the sun, that it becomes a true test of a cinematographers lighting skills.

You can’t complain that you don’t have enough lights or the lights that you do have are cheap ones and on and on. This episode with Daron Keet (Part1 and Part 2) focuses on filming outdoors. Truthfully to get the most out of it you will need to watch it with a second window open to google so you can look up a lot of the brilliant things he explains.

Some of the concepts may be new to you but they are crucial I assure you. Many of them you will understand more as you practice more but it is essential to watch and understand many of the nuances and tips that he explains regarding shooting in daylight.

This one’s a killer, enjoy!





  • Joram

    Extremely helpful! Thank you so much. He has such a wealth of knowledge and experience. Really looking forward to his future work.

  • This was definitely the most practically informative video yet….Thanks Aviv!

    • coachaviv

      Thanks Moshe! Yes, I loved this one too. I use this information today on a daily bases!

  • andy

    that was terrific thank you. i like that you ask very direct questions rather than trying to act like you know more than you do, this way the information that people really need comes out. thanks again

    • coachaviv

      You’re welcome Andy. and that’s a great comment and compliment, i’ll take it! I certainly don’t know everything and there will always folks that are light years ahead of me . . . so no ego’s here. 🙂

  • Dan

    I have an all-day outdoor shoot scheduled next month, and this is going to help, for sure. I have a grip scheduled and diffusion panels, but the use of subtractive (black) light is not something I’d put much thought into. I have time for some test shots, so I’ll be practicing this week for those noontime hours. I’m really enjoying your site, and the information’s very practical and helpful. Thanks, and keep up the good work!

    • coachaviv

      Negative fill can make all the difference Dan! Just pay attention to the light and ask where would you like to add light and where would you like to take away light? Thanks for kind words!

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