Sometimes words aren’t very necessary. This is one of those days where I just need to let the interview speak for itself.
We have Luke Neumann of neumannfilms.net on the show with us today. You gotta love how this guy gets himself out there and constantly pushes and tests what he can get out of his tools.
That’s what it’s all about – progress.
The 5D3 looks like it’s poised to make some big noise yet again and Luke is, once again, one of the first out the gate to test and show us the goods. So without further ado – the play button is just underneath you!
(*sorry about the audio guys, a little tech difficulties here and there. Don’t throw tomatoes at us or nothing)
Below is a side by side shot of the Epic and the 5D3 raw. Obviously take this with a grain of salt as you are looking at a jpeg image below.
As Luke says in the interview, everybody can judge for themselves and he has graciously provided us with some Epic/5D3 footage to download and compare.
I think the key is not to see who wins here but to see just how close the 5D3 raw footage can get to something on the caliber of an Epic. I for one am blown away!
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Pingback: RED Epic/5D3 Raw tests | Neumann Films()
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